Tuesday, March 21, 2006


This post is an address of the myspace phenomenon.

To begin I will admit that I have a myspace account. I got it because I like to look at peoples pictures, and in order to do so you need an account.

I dislike myspace because of something I call pseudo-networking. Many people send and accept friend requests simply because it gives them a higher number of friends. This is time that could be spent corresponding with actual friends, or possibly making new ones. Is this not retarded and hollow?

I also dislike myspace because it is owned by newscorp. I don't think I have to expand on this point.

One thing that I do like about myspace is the concept of an online identity. People have web pages dedicated to the simple fact that they exist!

I felt I could use an Internet identity, so I made one. It doesn't have any advertisements or anything, and I can make it look however I want given the constraints of my fluency in html. Here it is.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Nobody Likes Reruns

They, who are ignorant of history, are compelled to repeat it.

They, who are informed of history, are also compelled to repeat it.

They, who are ignorant of history, probably have more fun.

Friday, March 10, 2006

I'm very slow in coming to conclusions.

For example, it has taken me 22 years to figure out how many sheets of toilet paper I should use when I wipe my ass.

(Just in case you are curious, the answer is three.)

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Attention, all of you enjoying drugs? Just don't go to sleep. It's harder without the aid of chemicals than you might think. Likewise, it's a better trip without the aid of chemicals than you might think. Time drags on in new ways because the movements of the sun loose their meaning. The fluidity of thoughts reaches new degrees of significance because the tools for thought are practiced to the point at which they can no longer teach. They can only obey.

The truly important thing is to keep drinking. Whatever you do. This way, you might understand in a truly significant way that your happiness is just as coming and going as you desire to assault yourself with blades of samurai.

If I had an interview with God...

Imagine the possibilities, to ask any question of the one who knows all there is to know.

Ask Him...

"Sir, what would you like to do?"

Hopefully He will answer quick. And even more hopefully He will want to do something fun like ride on a rollercoaster. Even more hopefully his imagination will reach a bit further than mine. Maybe He'll just want to sit there with you, with me. How interesting that would be...to bask in the presence of God without wanting to know anything at all.