Saturday, January 13, 2007

here i am helping you. we are helping eachother help other people because strongness is become us.

let's believe in ghosts and let us believe in aliens from another sphere. the benefits are innumerous and the minuses are rediculous.

am i the enemy or i am i the friend?

i try to be the friend, but even if i turn out to be the enemy, i know that the friends will win, and that's okay.

welcome to these words. these words try, but they also don't know, so don't trust them completely.

complete trust is dogma.

dogma isn't necessarily bad, it's just boring.

the world moves in more interesting ways when the storyline isn't pre-ordained.

don't trust the world, just know that it will always be here.

trust and knowledge are towns with different zip codes.


Blogger kono said...

knowledge comes, and maybe it goes

but trust is without fear, and that, my friend, is when love happens

January 13, 2007 3:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

logic is a beast following breadcrumbs

do not eat too quickly, or chewing may be your demise

January 22, 2007 7:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry to interrupt. My mind does strange things when it's being actively tricked bysomeone who claims to care for me. I start to try and decode cryptic text which, if there's any meaning contained at all, would require a great deal more insight into the life of the code-writer than i have, and yet liz seems to perceive the gist of what's being pointed at and includes some code of her own. Then our hero returns with a new name and... wow... more cryptic text but this text seems much more easily identifiable as advice of some sort, in fact it would be difficult to believe that it's anything but advice... advice given in response to liz's cryptic comment which if I wanted to make myself really insane I could imagine dozens of frightful scenarios behind her words, and more importantly, his response, but why torture you all with my hell, eh? After all, I created my hell, right? Wait... right? no... well i'm sure to those reading this, there's a difference of opinion regarding exactly how this hell was created, but it's quite clear that the person who could quite easily rescue me has decided that my hell is of my own creation and was born out of some basic flaw or misunderstanding and only through continued torture will i learn the folly of my ways and become like her and her friends...

Is it really so hard to believe that the real damage to me is that there is information (knowledge) which is intentionally being withheld from me and when i bring it up i'm being told that i'm crazy and that there's nothing being withheld and that i've been told everything when i know that this is a lie and it just hurts so bad that someone who has only given me every indication that she plans on being with me for my life, as my spouse, and never given me any indication otherwise, could be ok with continuing the data restriction that causes the harm.

i've gone over a number of scenarios, and i can absolutely guarantee you at this point that it makes no sense continuing to deny me that which you believe you should. i guarantee you that continuing the withholding of information is the only thing that will continue to destroy our lives, and negatively affect those around us who don't deserve to be so affected.

theorizing on knowledge, truth, etc is so rude to the injured person lying on the floor, losing blood, screaming in agony at his friends telling them about the medicine which he and they both know is in their pockets.... which they know will

alleviate and slowly heal the injured person but instead, decide upon a theory of healing for him and tell him that there is no medicine, he is mistaken, and that there never was any to begin with.

what on earth could we possibly be protecting at this point? how do you rationalize it? HOW CAN YOU STAY MARRIED TO ME, CLAIM TO LOVE ME, AND SIMULTANEOUSLY DO THIS TO ME?

January 25, 2007 4:23 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

damnit, cohry/liz, i've read through this fucking thing once and i dont have the patience to read it if ive missed the point forgive me. there are no cryptic messages in mateo's text. if you think he would spend the time necessary to devise such a thing, you need to familiarize yourself with the word "narcissism."

i suppose it's possible that he is some kind of savant and farts out secret codes without realizing it, but if that is in fact the case, then please don't fucking bug him about it because he doesn't understand it in the same way you do and he probably never will.

January 25, 2007 7:54 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I didn't get a chance to talk with you matt, before you left.

I don't understand, and I have conviction that judging you will only bring more bad into the world.

But I will say that I would have bet the house that you wouldn't do it again...

The only words I've come up with in your defense are...

About women: men have always done very stupid things, and sometimes, very wicked things.

January 25, 2007 8:59 AM  
Blogger kono said...

i'm sorry, matt. i really am. i made you go away.

i like to believe that circumstances prompted you to walk away from dark places, and right now you are happy and free and exactly where you want to be, because that is what i want for you.

i haven't come to terms with your absence yet. you left me without a word, a punishment most severe, and one i did not understand, but i started to realize that i know you well enough to know that you don't always know what you're doing, and that's ok. you tried hard to be my friend, and you managed to be good company to me at my worst (an extraordinary feat that you alone accomplished). it kept me from going under, and for that i will always love you.

i want you to know that life is not as good with you gone.


January 25, 2007 10:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nobody can make Anybody do Anything.

January 29, 2007 11:48 AM  

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