feel good hit of the summer
Last night I made a joke in conversation. Someone said to someone else, "Have you seen that new Intel commercial? It's pretty cool..."
I hadn't seen the commercial in question, but regardless of that I interjected with a bit of bullshit to keep everyone on their toes. "Oh yeah, that one where they club the shit out of a baby seal!"
For a brief moment, I had them fooled. And because my friends are twisted like me, after they found that I was a dirty liar they expressed both fond wishes and artistic jealousy that corporate america might in fact be capable of being that edgy.
I rolled into the office this morning around 10:15 and after checking e-mails, I did a google image search for "Clubbing Baby Seals".
I very quickly found myself ashamed to be human - possessed by a profound grief and sympathy for some long dead being. Not because the victim was cute and cuddly. Not because its assailant showed the mechanical grace of a well-practiced asassin. I was quietly enraged, comfortably looking at this flatscreen joy-box of mine, because the victim was doing all he could in a futile effort to not get killed.
This was a sentient being. Maybe not as high and mighty as those who are intelligent enough to design the hydrogen-bomb, jerk off to internet porn, and waste away in some life-sucking job, but they still know that they don't want to get hit with that big-ass stick, dig? And that is pretty god-damned sad if you ask me.
Fuck this guy, whoever he is. I hope him and his boss and the owner of whatever company they work for all get jacked in the back of the head with a mallet and left to bleed for a while. Maybe thats all they need. Don't kill 'em. Just let 'em lay there for a while and bleed.