someone stole my avacado
i got home last night and looked in the fridge. i could have sworn to all that is holy that i had half of an avacado in there. now it is gone. i have the strong suspicion that my neighbor stole it. he has keys to the whole building and i was gone all day, so it is not impossible.
possible explanations?
1) curiosity causes him to invade my apartment. he checks the fridge. overcome by a lust for food he steals my avacado and makes a salad.
2) mild malice causes him to invade my apartment. he looks around for some way to fuck with my head with little actual damage. he finds and steals my avacado. he eats it raw.
either way or some other way, i have been profoundly disturbed by my AWOL avacado. the foundations of my world have been shaken. things can not simply dissappear.